Army Cadet Basic Parachutist Course. On Friday 11 August 2023, I had the honour of attending the graduation ceremony for 38 Army cadets who completed the Basic Parachutist Course, expertly conducted at the Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Centre at CFB Trenton. What a proud, well turned-out and fit group they were and congratulations to all who were presented their wings! Well done to Cadet Emmanuelle Daoust who was presented the Top Cadet award and the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion Bursary and to Cadet Aaron Reid who was presented the Top Jumper award. On behalf of the Canadian Airborne Forces Association (CAFA) I presented each graduating cadet with a serialized “Cadet Parachute Coin”. This was a tradition established by the Airborne Regiment Association of Canada (ARAC) perpetuated now by CAFA, Thanks to Marlene Schmidle who generously donated the coins in memory of her dear husband Joe Drouin.
- Rick Hatton
President Canadian Airborne Forces Association